Accepting Terms and Conditions and Statement About Data Provision

This section explains how to accept the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision.

Before signing in to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal for the first time or using a new service, you have to accept the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision. You must also accept the Terms and Conditions, in case they have changed.

Before working with the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API, you must accept the Terms and Conditions online in your browser at

To accept the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision:

  1. Clicking the Sign in button at in your browser. In the window that opens, carefully read the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision.

    If you sign in to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal for the first time, the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision for all purchased services are displayed.

    If you open a page for a newly purchased service, only the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision for this service are displayed.

  2. If you agree with all the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision, in the I confirm that I have fully read, understand, and accept the following section select the following check boxes:
    • Terms and Conditions of <services>
    • Statement About Data Provision

    If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision, click the Cancel link to cancel the sign-in.

  3. Click the Confirm button.

    The Confirm button becomes available only if you scroll through the Terms and Conditions text and select both check boxes.

  4. If necessary, you can click the Terms and Conditions link in the lower part of the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal page to read the Terms and Conditions and the Statement about Data Provision at any time.
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