Asset management

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal allows you to customize assets—objects that contain information associated with your organization's infrastructure. These are used by Kaspersky experts to monitor potential external vulnerabilities concerning your organization and provide notifications about related threats.

You can specify assets with one of the following roles: assets used to include related threats in monitoring results, or assets used to exclude threats that are not relevant to your company from monitoring results. For example, you can exclude the following information by adding assets:

Specifying assets with different roles allows you to narrow monitoring results.

You can only add assets related to your company for monitoring. Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal does not provide information about threats related to other organizations. When validating assets, Kaspersky experts check if the assets are related to your company.

In previous versions of Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal, this feature was called "Changing organization's information". As before, users, depending on their license and access rights, can view and change information about the organization, presented as asset sets. Now, the possibilities for managing assets have been significantly expanded, and assets categories and statuses have been added for easier management.

Assets can be specified using predefined categories. You can try adding assets for which the predefined categories are not suitable, using a file. However, this case, it is not guaranteed that all uncategorized assets will be added successfully.

Information displayed for each asset on the Digital Footprint (Footprint.) → Asset management page is described in the table below.

Asset parameters




Asset that is used during monitoring.


Asset category.

Available values:

CIDR—Classless Inter-Domain Routing, a subnet range.

Company/brand name—Your company or brand name.

Domain—Domain or subdomain name.

IP (v4/v6)—IP address version 4 (IPv4) or version 6 (IPv6).

Email—Email address. You can specify one email address to include threats related to the whole organization domain.

Employee name—Organization's employee name.

IP range—Range of IP addresses.

Keywords—Any word or phrase uniquely related to your company (for example product name, department name, conference name, brand, patent number, etc.).

IIN/BIN—IINs or BINs related to your bank (six- or eight-digit code).

Account link—Link to an actual and legitimate company account page on a social network (including accounts of top managers).

Mobile app link—Link to the actual and legitimate page of the company mobile application (usually in mobile marketplaces).

See About asset categories for more information.


Asset status.

Available values:

Pending validation—Asset is in process of being validated by Kaspersky expert.

Confirmed—Asset is confirmed by Kaspersky expert.

Rejected—Asset is rejected by Kaspersky expert.

Role in monitoring

Indicator showing how the asset is used during monitoring.

Available values:

Include—Threats related to the asset are included in monitoring results.

Exclude—Threats related to the asset are excluded from monitoring results.

Status details

Comment on asset status. Available only for assets with Confirmed or Rejected status.

In this section

About asset categories

Adding a new asset

Adding set of assets as file

Changing asset role

Validating assets

Deleting assets

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