Data Feeds API

You can obtain Threat Data Feeds by using the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API methods.

Endpoints, required parameters, responses, and usage examples are described in the OpenAPI documentation.

You can use the Data Feeds API with an API token. In this case, the Bearer authentication scheme is required. Also, you can use the Data Feeds API with a certificate, if using an API token is not allowed by your organization. In this case, the Basic authentication scheme is required.

Before working with the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API, you must accept the Terms and Conditions online in your browser at

To obtain an API token, you must sign in to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal via your browser, and then request an API token.

To obtain Data Feeds by using Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API with your API token:

  1. Specify the Bearer authentication scheme.
  2. Specify the required HTTP method.
  3. Run your query by using one of the methods described in the API documentation.

If necessary, you can specify the Basic authentication scheme and use your API token as described below.

To obtain Data Feeds by using the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API with Basic authentication scheme:

  1. Specify the Basic authentication scheme.
  2. Specify the user name (login) api_token and your API token as password.

    Login api_token is the same for all users within the Data Feeds API service.

  3. Specify the required HTTP method.
  4. Run your query by using one of the methods described in the API documentation.

View the OpenAPI specification describing requests to the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API

See also

Obtaining certificate, user name, and password

Importing certificate

Converting API certificate to PEM format

Solving SSL certificate problem

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