Editing a saved search request

You can edit your saved search requests.

To edit a saved search request:

  1. In the list of saved search requests, click the pen icon (The pen icon.) for the request that you want to edit.
  2. Edit the details of the request. You only have the following editing options for the saved search request:
    • Saved search request name. This change does not affect information about the updates received for this saved search request.
    • Services to search in / Section / Category. If you add a search item, its updates are tracked from the time it is added. The updates that occurred before you added the item are not displayed. If you delete a search item, all updates received before the modification remain available, but new updates are not received.

      You cannot change the requested object of the saved search request. If you want to change the object, a new saved search request should be created.

  3. Click the Save button.
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