Generating QR code

For users with a one-time password specified as the second two-factor authentication method, you must generate and provide a QR code so the user can sign in to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.

To provide a QR code to a user:

  1. If necessary, switch to the required tenant group.
  2. Click the user icon (User icon.) at the bottom of the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal page, and in the Access control section, select Accounts.
  3. For the required user with TOTP login specified in the Access control column, click the Generate QR code button in the Actions column.

    The TOTP QR code window, that displays the generated QR code, opens.

  4. If necessary, click the Download QR code button.

    The <user login>.png file is downloaded.

  5. Click the Close button.
  6. Provide the generated QR code to a user.

See also

Setting up one-time password protection

Signing in to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal

Switching between tenant groups

Managing accounts

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