Managing API tokens for tenant groups

To work with tenant data via the API without having an account in the tenant, tenant manager needs to use a personal API token. For the convenience, tenant managers can request personal API tokens on this page, or also by switching to the tenant and signing into the personal account.

To request an API token:

  1. Click the user icon (User icon.) in the lower-left corner of the page and select Access controlTenants.

    The Tenants tab of the Access control page opens.

  2. Select tenant for which you want to request API tokens.
  3. Click the Request API token button.
  4. Specify the expiration date of the API token.
  5. Click the Request button.

    Generated API tokens and their expiration dates appear in the table.

  6. If necessary, you can download required API tokens by clicking on the Download API token button.

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