Preparing to work with ktl_lookup utility

You can download the ktl_lookup utility from

You can work with the ktl_lookup utility using its default parameters or change the default parameters if necessary.

To change the default parameters in the ktl_lookup utility:

  1. Open the file in a text editor.
  2. Change any of the following parameters:
    • KTL_HOST—If you have to specify a different Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal host.

      By default, KTL_HOST = ''.

    • PROXY—If you have to specify a proxy server.

      The format is as follows: (http|https)://<user name>:<password>@<host>:<port>

    • VERBOSE—If you want to enable the verbose option, specify VERBOSE = True. This option allows you to display detailed information.

      By default, VERBOSE = False.

    • PEM_FILE—If you have to specify a different name for your certificate in PEM format.

      By default, PEM_FILE = 'ktl_lookup.pem'.

  3. Save changes in your text editor.
  4. Set the environment variables:
    1. Execute the following command in the command prompt to set the active code page value to 65001 (UTF-8):

      chcp 65001

    2. Make sure that the environment variable PYTHONIOENCODING is set to UTF-8:

      Select StartControl PanelSystemAdvanced system settingsEnvironment VariablesSystem variables.

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