Registering as a group administrator

You can register as the first administrator for your group. The administrator has all group account management privileges including creating user accounts and defining user roles.

The link to the web registration is provided by your dedicated Kaspersky Technical Account Manager through a PGP-encrypted email or in a password-protected .zip archive. In this case, the archive and password are provided by separate secure channels (for example, the archive is sent by email and its password by SMS message).

To register as the first administrator of your group:

  1. Follow the link to the registration form you received from your dedicated Kaspersky Technical Account Manager.
  2. In the Registration form, specify the following:
    • In the Administrator name field, fill in your administrator name.

      The administrator name must contain Latin letters, numbers, and an underscore. The maximum length is 12 characters.

    • In the Login field, fill in your unique user identifier.

      The login name is case-sensitive and may contain uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, numbers, an underscore, and a minus sign. The length of this name must be between 2 and 64 characters.

    • In the Password field, enter your password for the administrator account.

      The password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. In addition, the use of other character types is also allowed. The password length must be between 15 and 64 characters

    • In the Password confirmation field, enter your password again.
  3. Click the Registration using certificate button, and in the form that opens specify the following:
    • In the Certificate password field, enter your password for the certificate.
    • in the Certificate password confirmation field, type in the certificate password again.
  4. Click the Registration button.

    The password-protected container with the certificate automatically downloads to your computer.

  5. Open the container with the specified certificate password and import the certificate.

    After you import the certificate, your registration as the group administrator is completed and you can start administering user accounts for your group on Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.

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