Summary section

The Summary section represents general information about web address analysis results.

The following charts are displayed:

The number of detected files or activities with specific status is displayed below each chart. Small values are displayed out of proportion. For better viewing, small values are displayed as 1% of the entire circle chart.

You can download results of the web address browsing as an archive by clicking the Export all results button.

Web address information

The following general information about an analyzed web address is displayed:

Web address information

Field name




Part of the analyzed web address that indicates the host.

Available values:

  • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
  • IP address in dot-decimal notation.

Item is clickable and takes you to the Threat Lookup page, where you can search for information about the domain or IP address.

Browsing environment

Operating system that was used as an emulation environment.

Browsing time

Web address emulation time in seconds.

HTTPS decryption

Boolean parameter that specifies whether HTTPS traffic generated by the executed object was decrypted.

Internet access options

Region (or individual country) of a network channel specified by the user for the web address to use to access the internet.

Database update

Date and time when the anti-virus databases were updated.


Categories of the analyzed web address. Category labels are marked with a color of the zone, to which the category belongs (red, orange, yellow, or gray). If the web address does not belong to any of defined categories, the - category is displayed. Category labels are not clickable.

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