Threat Analysis API

You can execute an object or browse a web address, and view task results by using the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API methods.

You can execute files separately with Kaspersky Sandbox or Kaspersky Threat Attribution Engine, or by using both technologies simultaneously. For web addresses, only execution in Kaspersky Sandbox is available.

Endpoints, required parameters, responses, and usage examples are described in the OpenAPI documentation.

Before working with the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API, you must accept the Terms and Conditions online in your browser at

To work with Threat Analysis by using the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API:

  1. Make sure that the application you use for working with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API uses the certificate you received from Kaspersky.
  2. In the Authorization field of the HEADER section, specify the user name and password that you received from Kaspersky.
  3. Specify the Basic authentication scheme.
  4. Specify the required HTTP method.
  5. Run your query by using one of the methods described in the API documentation.

View the OpenAPI specification describing requests to the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API

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