Data Feeds

The Data Feeds section lists data sources and links that you can use to download Threat Data Feeds. Depending on your license, you can download a feed in one of the following versions:

For each Threat Data Feed, tags describing the intended use of the feed are displayed: Detection, Prevention, and Investigation.

The list also contains Threat Data Feeds marked with the META label. META feeds are region-specific versions of the regular feeds in JSON format. These feeds provide the best coverage for threats observed in META region, while regular feeds focus on worldwide coverage. We recommend that you use META feeds when network traffic is limited by META region.

For each Threat Data Feed, the number of records and update frequency are displayed.

You can click the required Threat Data Feed to view its JSON structure and elements description. In the window that opens, you can also click the Download ZIP archive button to download the selected Threat Data Feed.

The Related Materials section lists additional documents related to data feeds.

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