Viewing APT C&C Associated IP addresses

To view the APT C&C associated IP addresses,

Open the Active feed page (APT CnC. APT CC Tracking).

Information about all available IP addresses is displayed.

Information about IP addresses



IP address

Detected IP address. The items are clickable and take you to the Threat Lookup (Lookup.) → Threat Lookup results page, where you can search for information about the IP address.

First seen

Date when the IP address was first detected by the Kaspersky experts, according to your computer local time zone.

Last seen

Date when the IP address was last detected by the Kaspersky experts, according to your computer local time zone.


Domain that resolves to the detected IP address.


Country that the detected IP address belongs to. You can filter the displayed list using a filter (Filter.).

IP address type

Type of the detected IP address (for example, Derived or Organic).


Tags associated with the detected IP address. For certain IP addresses, a brief description is available.

Activity periods

The View activity link opens the window where activity periods for the selected IP address are displayed.

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