Viewing report description

If you are using a demo version of the service, the Reporting service has several limitations. For more information, see section About the license.

To view a report detailed description:

  1. Open the Reporting (Report.) page of Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.

    Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal will display a list of all available reports.

  2. If necessary, use filters in the Group column to search for a specific report group.
  3. In the Report ID column, click the required report ID and select View in new tab in the drop-down list.

The report description opens in new tab.

You can like or unlike a report using the like (Thumbs up.) icon.

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal provides the following information about reports.

Report details



Report name

Report name.


Date and time when the report was published.


Tags related to the report.


Brief summary of the report.


Links for downloading the report for further analysis in various formats.

Available formats depend on the permissions, set by your administrator, to download reports. If you do not have permissions to download reports, no links will be displayed.

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