Viewing threat notification description

To view a threat notification detailed description:

  1. Open the Threats tab of the Digital Footprint (Footprint.) page.
  2. If necessary, use filters to search for a notification for a specific threat notification.
  3. In the Threat ID column, click the required threat notification ID and select View in new tab in the drop-down list.

The threat notification description opens in a new tab.

At the top of the page, Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal provides a description of the threat. Below the description, Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal displays the following information about the notification and the detected threat.

Threat notification details



Threat ID

Threat notification identifier.


Date and time when the threat was detected.


Danger level of the detected threat (Critical, High, Medium, Low, Info).


Category of the threat, for example vulnerability, malware, person, leakage, dark web. Other threat categories may also appear.


Object associated with the detected threat (domain, IP address, keyword).


Recommendations on how to mitigate risks associated with the threat.


Tags associated with the threat: for example, threat name according to the Kaspersky classification, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), or keywords.

Additional information

Link to download additional information associated with the vulnerability provided as an encrypted archive, if available. Use the password infected to unpack the archive.

The archive may contain objects that could harm your device or data, if handled improperly. By downloading, you agree that you are informed and accept full responsibility for the handling of downloaded objects contained in the archive. You can only use the downloaded content to increase the level of protection of your devices and systems.

The archive may contain the following:

  • JSON file including metadata about an attack.
  • Screenshot in PNG format (optional).
  • HTML page downloaded using a phishing web address (optional).

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