Viewing account history

The following procedure tells you how to view actions performed on an account (history).

To view account history:

  1. Click the user icon (User icon.) at the bottom of the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal page, and select one of the following in the Access control section:
    • If you are the tenant group manager, select TenantsAccounts.

      The Accounts tab of the Access control page opens.

    • If you are a group administrator, select Accounts.

    The Access control page opens.

  2. In the User name column, click the name of a user for whom you want to view account history.

    The side-bar containing user's information opens.

  3. On the Change history tab, the following information is displayed:
    • Date—Date when changes in a user's account settings were performed.
    • User name—Person who made changes to the account.
    • Field—Settings that were changed.
    • Old value—Previous setting value.
    • New value—New setting value.
  4. If necessary, you can use the filter (Filter.) to specify a certain period by using date pickers (calendar) in the Date column.
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