Viewing a research graph

You can view available research graphs on the Research Graph (Graph.) page.

To view a research graph, perform one of the following actions:

The selected research graph opens.

To search for a certain node in a research graph:

  1. In the research graph editor window, click the Find node button (Find node.).
  2. In the Node name field, enter the node you want to find.
  3. Click Find.

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal locates the requested node in the center of the research graph editor window and marks it with a blue circle.

To zoom in or out:

To view a research graph in full screen mode,

Move the mouse pointer to the scale icon (N%) in the lower right corner of the graph editor window. In the toolbar that opens, click the full screen mode button (Full screen.).

To go back to regular view mode,

Click Esc or move the mouse pointer to the scale icon (N%) and click the regular view mode button (Regular mode.) in the toolbar that opens.

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