WHOIS section

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal provides WHOIS information about host of the analyzed web address.

Host indicated by IP address

WHOIS section for IP address as a host

Table field


IP range

Range of IP addresses in the network that the requested host belongs to. Also, the flag of the country the network of the IP address belongs is displayed. When you hover your mouse over a flag, a tooltip with the country name appears.

Net name

Name of the network that the IP address belongs to.

Net description

Description of the network that the IP address belongs to.


Date when the IP address was registered.


Date when information about the IP address was last updated.

AS description

Autonomous system description.


Autonomous system number according to RFC 1771 and RFC 4893.


Section containing the contact (organization or person) name, role, address, phones / faxes, and emails.

Host indicated by FQDN

WHOIS section for FQDN as a host

Field name


Domain name

Name of the domain for the analyzed web address.

Domain status

Status of the domain for the analyzed web address.


Date when the domain for the analyzed web address was registered.


Date when the registration information about the domain for the analyzed web address was last updated.

Paid until

Expiration date of the prepaid domain registration term.

Registrar info

Name of the registrar of the domain for the analyzed web address.


IANA ID of the domain registrar.


Email of the domain registrar.

Name servers

List of name servers of the domain for the analyzed web address.


Section containing the contact (organization or person) name, role, address, phones / faxes, and emails.

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