Digital Footprint Intelligence API

This section explains how to request Digital Footprint Intelligence notifications and reports by using the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API methods.

Endpoints, required parameters, responses, and usage examples are described in the OpenAPI documentation.

You can use the Digital Footprint Intelligence API without a certificate, by using an API token if it is allowed by your organization.

Before working with the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API, you must accept the Terms and Conditions online in your browser at

Digital Footprint Intelligence API methods




Gets the list of available threat notifications.

threats/{threat notification ID}/attachment

Gets the file associated with the specified threat notification.

The archive may contain objects that could harm your device or data, if handled improperly. By downloading, you agree that you are informed and accept full responsibility for the handling of downloaded objects contained in the archive. You can only use the downloaded content to increase the level of protection of your devices and systems.


Gets the list of available Digital Footprint Intelligence reports.


Gets the specified Digital Footprint Intelligence report.

As a tenant manager, you can work with the Digital Footprint Intelligence API by using an API token. For each tenant group, a separate API token is required.

To run a request by using Digital Footprint Intelligence API with your API token:

  1. Specify the Bearer authentication scheme.
  2. Specify the required HTTP method.
  3. Run your query by using one of the methods described in this section.

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