Deleting a research graph

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal allows you to delete one or several research graphs simultaneously.

You can delete only the graphs you created. Only a group administrator can delete graphs created by other users.

To delete one or several research graphs:

  1. On the Research Graph (Graph.) page, select one or several research graphs that you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button (Trash can.).

    The button becomes available if at least one research graph is selected.

You can also delete a research graph while editing it.

To delete a graph:

  1. Open the required research graph.
  2. Click the Delete this graph button at the top of the research graph page.

    Please distinguish between the Delete this graph button (Trash can.) for deleting the research graph (at the top) and Delete selected nodes button (Trash can.) for deleting the nodes (on the left).

  3. In the window that opens, click the Delete this graph button to confirm research graph deletion.
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