Executing a file

This section describes file execution in Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.

Files can be uploaded manually (Executing a file, Starting a file upload and execution) or downloaded from a web address.

Analysis results are displayed in the History table on the Threat Analysis (Sandbox.) page. When you click on the item in the History table, brief information about the analyzed object is displayed.

Brief information about analyzed object




MD5 hash of the analyzed object.


SHA1 hash of the analyzed object.


SHA256 hash of the analyzed object.

File name

Name of the analyzed object.

File size

Size of the analyzed object.

Execution environment

Operating system that was used as an execution environment.

Execution time

Object execution time in seconds.


Object execution type: only executed or unpacked before execution.

HTTPS decryption

Specifies whether HTTPS traffic generated by the executed object was decrypted.

Click links

Specifies whether the links in the opened documents were browsed.

Internet access options

Region or individual country of a network channel specified by the user for the executed object to access the internet.

File extension

Automatically detected type of the executed file.

In this section

Starting a file upload and execution

Starting file download and execution

Report page for Kaspersky Sandbox

Report page for Kaspersky Threat Attribution Engine

Report page for Similarity

Exporting file execution results

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