Viewing accounts

The following procedure shows you how to view a list of accounts for your group.

To view your group's accounts,

Click the user icon (User icon.) at the bottom of the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal page, and select one of the following in the Access control section:

The information for the group's accounts is described in the table below.

Accounts management

Table field


User name

User name to sign in to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.


State of the user's account. You can change the account's state in this table, without editing its settings.

Enabled—User can work with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.

Disabled—User does not have access to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.

Full name

User's first and last name.


User's role:

Admin—User with administrator privileges to manage user accounts. Each group can have several administrators.

User—User who works with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal services according to permissions and licenses available for the group.


Type of access to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal:

FULL—User works with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal both online and with API.

WEB—User works with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal only online.

API—User works with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal only using the API.

Access control

Second two-factor authentication method:

Certificate—Certificate provided by Kaspersky is used to sign in.

TOTP login—One-time password is used to sign in.


The Generate QR code button allows the administrators to generate and download a QR code for accounts with a one-time password as the second two-factor authentication method.

You can sort items in the table by any column, except Actions.

Also, you can view detailed information for specific accounts.

To view a specific account:

  1. In the search field, type a name or user name.

    Matching results will be displayed, with the list automatically updating as you type.

  2. In the User name column, click the name of a user for whom you want to view detailed information.

    The side-bar containing the user's information opens.

  3. If necessary, you can edit the account's settings.
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