Editing account settings

The following procedure tells you how to view detailed information for a specific account.

To view account information:

  1. Click the user icon (User icon.) at the bottom of the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal page, and select one of the following in the Access control section:
    • If you are the tenant group manager, select TenantsAccounts.

      The Accounts tab of the Access control page opens.

    • If you are a group administrator, select Accounts.

      The Access control page opens.

  2. In the User name column, click the name of a user for whom you want to view detailed information.

    The side-bar containing user's information opens.

  3. On the Account settings tab, you can edit the following settings:
    • Enabled / Disabled—Toggle button that indicates the account status:
      • Enabled—User can work with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.
      • Disabled—User does not have access to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.
    • User name—User name used to sign in to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.

      This field cannot be edited. To change the user name, you have to create a new account.

    • Full name—User's first and last name.
    • Role—User's role is displayed:
      • Admin—User with administrator privileges. Administrators manage user accounts. There can be several administrators for the group.
      • User—User who works with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal services according to permissions and licenses available for the group.

      The Role field is not available for editing.

    • Type—Access type, which can be one of the following:
      • FULL—User who works with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal both online and with API.
      • WEB—User who works with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal only online.
      • API—User who works with Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal only using the API.
    • In the Access control field, the second two-factor authentication method when signing in, is displayed:
      • Certificate—User will have to use a certificate to sign in.
      • TOTP login—User will have to use a one-time password to sign in. For tenant groups, only this option is available.

      The Access control field is not available for editing.

    • New password / Confirm password— Fields for changing account's password. You can use the eye icon to show/hide the password.

      The password must be 8 to 64 characters long. Leaving these fields empty keeps the existing user password.

  4. On the Access rights tab, you can specify user's access to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal services.

    This tab displays Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal services and features that are available for your organization.

  5. If necessary, open the Change history tab that displays the account changes history. You cannot edit information on this tab.
  6. Click the Save button to save changes.

    The Save button is not available on the Change history tab.

  7. If necessary, click the Delete this account button on the Account settings to delete the account.

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