Viewing all available reports

If you are using a demo version of the service, the Reporting service has several limitations. For more information, see section About the license.

Report files in any format, including Master YARA and Master IOC, are marked TLP:AMBER. Downloaded reports can only be shared within your company, and must not be distributed externally, unless specified otherwise in the downloaded file.

Available reports are displayed on the Reporting (Report.) page.

For each report, the following information is displayed:

You can download reports in any of the available formats using links under the report summary for further analysis.

Available formats depend on the permissions, set by your administrator, to download reports. If you do not have permissions to download reports, no links will be displayed.

If you download an updated version of the report that you downloaded before, the number of available downloads does not decrease.

If necessary, you can download the following reports if you have the corresponding permissions:

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