Get specific report

The publications/get_one endpoint is used to display specific information for a publication, identified by publication_id. For each publication, a set of reports can be requested, such as: PDF report, summary report, YARA Rules, IOCs, Suricata rules. If request is successful, the requested publication ID will be returned, alongside with the publication metadata and reports to which the API user has access to. For example, if publication ID 1337 is requested with the following reports: PDF, Summary, YARA & IOCs, but the API user has access only to YARA Rules, it will receive only the rules and nothing else. The request will have status ok.


Request method: POST


Query parameters:

Expected parameters




Report ID: the id parameter (a string) returned by the get_list endpoint.


List of the optional parameters separated by comma:

all—All available formats.

pdf—Report in PDF format.

execsum—Brief report summary for business purposes (executive summary) in PDF format.

yara—Report in YARA Rules format.

iocs—OpenIOC file that includes description of indicators of compromise.

suricata—File that contains Suricata rules associated with the report.


Language for a report or an executive summary. The value can be one of the following: ru (Russian), en (English), pt (Portuguese), or es (Spanish). A list of available languages for a report or an executive summary is returned by the pdfs or the exec_sums parameters in the get_list endpoint. If the lang parameter is not specified, an English version of the report or executive summary will be returned.

Request examples:

Get specific information about publication ID ac36f485-337b-4f91-4177-0c7b6bdf6a48-apt, requesting all formats:

curl -u <user_name> -H 'Content-Length: 0' --cert <full path to the certificate CERT_NAME.pem on your computer> -X POST ''

Get specific information about publication ID ac36f485-337b-4f91-4177-0c7b6bdf6a48-apt, requesting IoC and YARA Rules files:

curl -u <user_name> -H 'Content-Length: 0' --cert <full path to the certificate CERT_NAME.pem on your computer> -X POST ',yara'


Click the links below for information about possible responses.

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200 OK

401 Unauthorized

403 Forbidden

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

See also:

Get report list

Get Master IOC file

Get Master YARA file

Using cURL utility for working with reports

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