Threat Data Feeds

Kaspersky offers continuously updated Threat Intelligence Data Feeds to inform your business or clients about cybersecurity risks, in a format suitable for automated processing. These continuous updates of Data Feeds help you obtain up-to-date information about cyberthreats and make timely decisions about protecting against them.

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal allows you to view and download data feeds, supplementary tools, SIEM connectors, delivery protocols, and additional documents on the Threat Data Feeds (Data Feeds.) page.

Detailed information about data feeds, tools, and documents is available in the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal web interface. You can download required items from the web interface (Download.) or by using an external link (Link.).

You can also obtain Threat Data Feeds by using the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal API.

See also

Data Feeds API

In this section

Data Feeds


Delivery protocols

Implementation guide

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