Multitenancy mode

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal supports a multi-tenant architecture that allows you to provide multiple clients with isolated access to Kaspersky TIP services.

Multitenancy mode is intended for clients of AO Kaspersky Lab (for example, Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) or enterprise companies) who want to monitor information security in several local offices from headquarters.

Tenants are clients of a Kaspersky partner who purchased the multitenancy feature:

Isolated access to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal for tenants is achieved by providing a separate user group for each tenant.

An administrator of a group for which multitenancy mode is enabled, can add tenant groups and switch between them.

A tenant manager is a member of a group for which multitenancy mode is enabled. Tenant manager, can perform the following:

After you sign in to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal to a group with enabled multitenancy mode, the Digital Footprint (Footprint.) → Tenant Center page becomes available. The Switch tenant option appears in the main menu in the upper-left corner of the page. By default, General is selected.

In the account menu, accessed by clicking the user icon (User icon.) in the lower-left corner of the page, the following links appear:

In this section

Tenant center

Tenant management

Viewing licenses for tenant groups

Managing API tokens for tenant groups

Switching between tenant groups

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