Tenant management

To create a tenant:

  1. Click the user icon (User icon.) in the lower-left corner of the page and select Access controlTenants.

    The Tenants tab of the Access control page opens.

  2. Click the Add tenant button.
  3. Enter a tenant name.

    The name must have a length of 2 to 64 characters and must not start or end with a space. It may contain uppercase or lowercase Latin letters, numbers, underscore characters, dashes, spaces, and dots.

  4. If necessary, enter a tenant description.

    The description length must not exceed 2048 characters.

  5. Click Save.

Tenant is added. You can switch to this tenant in the main menu or on the Access controlTenants tab by clicking the required tenant. Also, you can manage user accounts for your tenant.

To edit a tenant:

  1. Click the user icon (User icon.) in the lower-left corner of the page and select Access controlTenants.

    The Tenants tab of the Access control page opens.

  2. Click the pen icon in the Actions column.

    The Edit tenant side-bar opens.

  3. Edit a tenant description.

    The description length must not exceed 2048 characters.

  4. If necessary, change the API token expiration date in the calendar.
  5. Click Save.

See also

Multitenancy mode

Tenant center

Viewing licenses for tenant groups

Managing API tokens for tenant groups

Switching between tenant groups

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